Exercises and Therapeutic Game Controls

General Balance Controls

Webcam Balance

Tracks overall body balance using webcam-based motion tracking.

Webcam Balance Horizontal

Monitors horizontal balance shifts.

Webcam Balance Vertical

Tracks vertical stability and movements.

Hand Clench Controls

Left Hand Clench

Detects clenching of the left hand for grip-strength exercises.

Right Hand Clench

Detects clenching of the right hand.

Both Hands Clench

Recognizes simultaneous clenching of both hands.

Air Guitar Controls

Left Air Guitar

Tracks air guitar motion with the left hand.

Right Air Guitar

Tracks air guitar motion with the right hand.

Specialized Controls


A unique movement-based control system for engagement in therapy games.


Tracks mouth movements for facial exercises.


Simulates climbing movements for upper body training. Use fists to grip.

Climb No Hands

Focuses on climbing motions without requiring fist clenching.

Balance Board Controls

Balance Board Left-Right

Measures left-to-right weight shifting.

Balance Board Forward-Backward

Detects forward and backward balance changes.

Balance Board Both

Tracks both horizontal and vertical balance adjustments.

Balance Board Left-Right (Sitting)

Allows seated users to engage in lateral balance exercises.

Balance Board Forward-Backward (Sitting)

Supports seated users in practicing forward-backward balance.

Balance Board Both (Sitting)

Combines all balance movements for seated users.

Virtual Analog Stick & Steering Controls

Virtual Analog Stick Left

Emulates left-side joystick movements with the left hand.

Virtual Analog Stick Right

Emulates right-side joystick movements with the right hand.

Virtual Steering Wheel (Slider & Two Button)

Simulates steering wheel movements for rehabilitation with additional gearing and buttons.

Steering Wheel

Tracks real-time steering motion.

Whole Body Tracking

Whole Body Webcam Balance Board

Full body tracking and balance board input.

Whole Body Webcam

Uses full-body tracking via webcam.

Elbow Motion Controls

Elbow Flexion Left

Tracks left elbow bending movement.

Elbow Flexion Right

Tracks right elbow bending.

Elbow Flexion Both

Detects flexion in both elbows simultaneously.

Elbow Supination Left

Measures outward rotation of the left elbow.

Elbow Supination Right

Measures outward rotation of the right elbow.

Elbow Close to Body Left

Ensures the left elbow remains close to the body.

Elbow Close to Body Right

Ensures the right elbow remains close to the body.

Elbow Close to Body Both

Detects positioning of both elbows near the torso.

Wrist & Hand Movement Controls

Wrist Flexion Left

Tracks bending of the left wrist.

Wrist Flexion Right

Tracks right wrist flexion.

Wrist Opposite Shoulder Left

Measures movement of the left wrist crossing towards the opposite shoulder.

Wrist Opposite Shoulder Right

Measures the same movement for the right wrist.

Wrist Opposite Shoulder Both

Detects both wrists moving toward opposite shoulders.

Hand Position Horizontal Left

Tracks horizontal positioning of the left hand.

Hand Position Vertical Left

Tracks vertical positioning of the left hand.

Hand Position Both Left

Detects both horizontal and vertical positioning of the left hand.

Hand Position Horizontal Right

Monitors horizontal position of the right hand.

Hand Position Vertical Right

Monitors vertical position of the right hand.

Hand Position Both Right

Detects both horizontal and vertical movement of the right hand.

Hand Angle Left

Tracks the left hand’s angle in space.

Hand Angle Right

Tracks the right hand’s angle in space.

Hand at Front Left

Detects if the left hand is positioned in front.

Hand at Front Right

Detects if the right hand is positioned in front.

Hand at Front Both

Recognizes when both hands are positioned in front.

Hand Mouse Left

Simulates mouse control using the left hand.

Hand Mouse Right

Simulates mouse control using the right hand.

Shoulder Movement Controls

Shoulder Abduction Left

Tracks left shoulder lateral movement.

Shoulder Abduction Right

Tracks right shoulder lateral movement.

Shoulder Abduction Both

Detects simultaneous abduction of both shoulders.

Shoulder External Rotation Left

Measures outward rotation of the left shoulder.

Shoulder External Rotation Right

Measures outward rotation of the right shoulder.

Shoulder External Rotation Both

Tracks both shoulders rotating outward.

Shoulder Flexion Left

Tracks forward lifting of the left arm.

Shoulder Flexion Right

Tracks forward lifting of the right arm.

Shoulder Flexion Both

Monitors forward flexion in both shoulders.

Shoulder Angle Front Left

Measures the front angle of the left shoulder.

Shoulder Angle Front Right

Measures the front angle of the right shoulder.

Shoulder Angle Front Both

Tracks front shoulder angles for both arms.

Chest & Upper Body Controls

Chest Dislocation

Chest overhead expansion.

Chest Dislocation Depth

Chest front extension.

Arm Up Left

Tracks when the left arm is raised.

Arm Up Right

Tracks when the right arm is raised.

Arm Up Both

Recognizes when both arms are lifted.

Head Movement Controls

Head Rotation Horizontal

Tracks side-to-side head rotation.

Head Rotation Vertical

Detects up-and-down head movement.

Head Rotation Both

Monitors both vertical and horizontal head rotation.

Leg & Lower Body Controls

Lift Leg Left

Tracks left leg lifting movement.

Lift Leg Right

Tracks right leg lift.

Hip Flexion Left

Detects left hip flexion.

Hip Flexion Right

Detects right hip flexion.

Knee Flexion Left

Tracks left knee bending.

Knee Flexion Right

Tracks right knee bending.

Knees Angle Left

Measures the left knee’s angular movement.

Knees Angle Right

Measures the right knee’s angle.

Ankle Flexion Left

Detects flexion of the left ankle.

Ankle Flexion Right

Detects right ankle flexion.

Lateral Lunge

Recognizes sideways lunging movement.

Sit Up Down

Get up and sit down in a chair.


Control games by squatting.

Finger & Thumb Controls

Fighting Left Hand Thumb Pinch

Tracks pinching movement with the left thumb.

Fighting Right Hand Thumb Pinch

Tracks pinching movement with the right thumb.

Thumb Flexion-Extension Left

Measures thumb bending in the left hand.

Thumb Flexion-Extension Right

Measures the same movement in the right hand.

Thumb Flexion-Extension Both

Tracks simultaneous thumb flexion on both hands.

Finger Hyper Extension Left

Detects hyperextension of fingers in the left hand.

Finger Hyper Extension Right

Detects hyperextension of fingers in the right hand.

Finger Hyper Extension Both

Tracks both hands for finger hyperextension.

Lower Body Strength & Stability

Lift Right Leg Straight

Stand on the left foot and lift the right leg in a straight manner.

Lift Left Leg Straight

Stand on the right foot and lift the left leg in a straight manner.

Single Right Leg Standing, Hold Object

Stand still on the right leg while lifting the left leg and holding an object in front with both hands.

Single Left Leg Standing, Hold Object

Stand still on the left leg while lifting the right leg and holding an object in front with both hands.

Squat, Side View

Perform a squat while facing perpendicular to the camera.

Squat, Front View

Perform a squat while facing the camera.

Squat with Toe Rise

Combine a squat with a transition to standing on the toes.

Squats with Jumps

Perform a standard squat followed by an explosive jump.

Reverse Lunges, Right Leg

Step backward with the right leg and lower the hips.

Reverse Lunges, Left Leg

Step backward with the left leg and lower the hips.

Reverse Lunges, Alternating Legs

Alternate stepping backward with each leg.

Forward Lunges, Right Leg

Step forward with the right leg and lower the hips.

Forward Lunges, Left Leg

Step forward with the left leg and lower the hips.

Forward Lunges, Alternating Legs

Alternate stepping forward with each leg.

Static Lunges, Right Leg Front

Maintain a lunge position with the right leg forward.

Static Lunges, Left Leg Front

Maintain a lunge position with the left leg forward.

Lateral Lunge

Step sideways into a lunge position.

Core & Postural Control

The Bench

Hold a plank position on the forearms.

Four Point Hold

Hold a quadruped position with weight evenly distributed.

Bird Dog, Right Arm - Left Leg

Extend the right arm and left leg while maintaining balance.

Bird Dog, Left Arm - Right Leg

Extend the left arm and right leg while maintaining balance.

Bird Dog, Alternating Arms and Legs

Alternate extending opposite arm and leg.

The Bridge

Lift the hips while lying on the back, creating a straight line from shoulders to knees.

Standing Back Extensions

Arch the back gently while standing upright.

Prone Press Up

Push the upper body up while lying face down.

Floor Hip Rotation

Lie on the back and gently rotate the hips.

Sit-Ups with Bent Knees

Perform sit-ups with bent knees.

Crunches with Bent Knees

Lift shoulders and upper back off the ground with bent knees.

Crunches with Straight Legs

Perform crunches with legs extended.

Upper Body Strength & Mobility

Side Arm Raises

Lift arms laterally to overhead height.

Overhead Punch Right

Extend the right arm upward in a controlled punching motion.

Overhead Punch Left

Extend the left arm upward in a controlled punching motion.


Lower the body towards the ground and push back up.

Bent Knee Push-Ups

Perform push-ups with knees on the ground.

Triceps Dips with Extended Legs

Lower and raise the body using the arms with legs extended.

Triceps Dips with Bent Legs

Perform triceps dips with knees bent.

Chest Expansions

Extend both arms forward in a controlled manner.

Shoulder Flexion, Left Arm

Lift the left arm straight in front of the body.

Shoulder Flexion, Right Arm

Lift the right arm straight in front of the body.

Shoulder Abduction, Left Arm

Lift the left arm sideways to shoulder height.

Shoulder Abduction, Right Arm

Lift the right arm sideways to shoulder height.

Shoulder External Rotation, Left Arm

Rotate the left arm outward at the shoulder.

Shoulder External Rotation, Right Arm

Rotate the right arm outward at the shoulder.

Elbow Flexion, Left Arm

Bend the left elbow, bringing the hand towards the shoulder.

Elbow Flexion, Right Arm

Bend the right elbow, bringing the hand towards the shoulder.

Balance & Coordination

Stand Still, Arms Free, 3 seconds

Maintain balance independently for 3 seconds.

Stand Still, Arms Free, 20 seconds

Maintain balance independently for 20 seconds.

Walk Backwards

Walk backward for 10 steps while maintaining balance.

Crawl Forward

Move forward on hands and knees in a reciprocal pattern.

Carry Object with Two Hands for 10 Steps

Walk forward while holding an object.

Vertical Jump

Jump vertically with both feet leaving the ground.

Jumping Jacks

Perform a jumping motion while raising and lowering the arms.

High Knees

Run in place while lifting the knees toward the chest.

High Knees, Dynamic Stretch

Perform a controlled march lifting each knee toward the chest.

Hip & Lower Limb Mobility

Quadruped Bent-Knee Hip Extensions, Right Leg

Lift the right leg while on all fours.

Quadruped Bent-Knee Hip Extensions, Left Leg

Lift the left leg while on all fours.

Hip Abduction, Right Leg

Lift the right leg sideways while lying on the left side.

Hip Abduction, Left Leg

Lift the left leg sideways while lying on the right side.

Standing Hip Abduction, Right Leg

Lift the right leg sideways while standing.

Standing Hip Abduction, Left Leg

Lift the left leg sideways while standing.

Seated & Transitional Movements

Attain Sitting Position

Transition from standing to sitting.

Stand to Sit on Floor

Transition from standing to sitting on the floor.

Sit with Arms Propping

Maintain a sitting position with arm support.

Sitting to Standing Position

Transition from sitting to standing without using arms.

Seated Knee Flexion/Extension, Right Leg

Bend and extend the right knee while seated.

Seated Knee Flexion/Extension, Left Leg

Bend and extend the left knee while seated.

Seated Heel Drag, Right Leg

Drag the right heel toward the chair while seated.

Seated Heel Drag, Left Leg

Drag the left heel toward the chair while seated.

Seated Calf Raises, Right Leg

Lift the right heel while seated.

Seated Calf Raises, Left Leg

Lift the left heel while seated.

Seated Hip Abduction, Right Leg

Move the right leg outward while seated.

Seated Hip Abduction, Left Leg

Move the left leg outward while seated.

Rolling & Floor Transitions

Prone to Supine Right Roll

Roll from a prone to a supine position to the right.

Prone to Supine Left Roll

Roll from a prone to a supine position to the left.

Supine, Roll Right, Sit

Roll to the right from lying on the back to sitting.

Supine, Roll Left, Sit

Roll to the left from lying on the back to sitting.

Supine to Prone, Front View

Transition from lying on the back to lying face down.

Supine Touch Fingers

Touch fingers while lying on the back.

Stretching & Flexibility

Child’s Pose

Kneel and stretch the arms forward while lowering the torso.

Good Morning

Hinge at the hips and lower the torso forward.

Standing Side Reaches

Extend one arm overhead while leaning to the opposite side.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch, Right Leg Forward

Stretch the right hip flexor in a kneeling position.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch, Left Leg Forward

Stretch the left hip flexor in a kneeling position.

Active Hip Flexor Stretch, Right Leg Forward

Perform an active stretch of the right hip flexor.

Active Hip Flexor Stretch, Left Leg Forward

Perform an active stretch of the left hip flexor.

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