Go to the “Treatment Programs” icon in the left side menu.
Select the personal icon and click on the “Create” button.
Enter Name, Form Strictness and Description of the program.
Click “Add Activity” on Day 1 to start adding activities.
You can add Games, Exercises, Assessments and/or Third-Party Games.
Once you select the desired activity and control type, click “ADD”.
Then, fill in the respective settings.
For the Exercises:
Break time: adjust the time between the sets
Sets: adjust the number of repetition sets
Reps: adjust the number of repetitions
Form Strictness: select among the following form options based on your physical condition: 1. Freeform 2. Beginner 3. Intermediate 4.Advanced 5. Expert
A.I. Form Progression: Enable this option if you allow the A.I. to check on your progress and adjust the form strictness automatically. Disable this option if you want to adjust it manually.
A.I. Performance Progression: Enable this option if you allow the A.I. to check on your progress and adjust the numbers of sets and/or reps automatically. Disable this option if you want to adjust them manually.
Minimum interval: Define the periodicity of the A.I. check and evaluation of your progress.
For the Games:
Time: Adjust the duration of the game.
Difficulty: Select the appropriate level of difficulty.
A.I. Difficulty Progression: Enable this option if you allow the A.I. to check on your progress and adjust the difficulty level automatically.
Once you are done with editing, just click “Add Activity” to continue adding more activities for Day 1.
Once you’re done with Day 1, click on “Add Day” to create a multi day/weekly program.
You can click on the right and left arrows to move the activity earlier or later in the day, and the up and down arrows to move the activity to previous or next days of the program.
When you’re done, click on the “Save” button.
You’ve now created a personalized Treatment Program for your patient set as private, and you can assign, edit, delete or copy it at any time.
Additionally, you have the option to publish a treatment program to your organization, and share it with everyone else in the organization.
By selecting the person icon, you can see the private programs created.
Select the program you want to publish to your organization and click “Edit”.
Select the “Organization” icon at the right and click “Save”.
Then, the selected program is duplicated and you can find it in the treatment programs of your organization as well.
Alternatively, you can make it public, so that the entire world can see, and use it, by following the above steps, but selecting the “Public” icon.