How to install Vana Vital?

  • First, you need to install Vana Vital.
  • Go to the left side menu and click on “Games”, “Exercise”, or “Assessments”.
  • Once you click an exercise, a pop-up with the exercise setting will appear, including a message that Vana Vital is offline.
  • Click on the message and close the pop-up.
  • You will be redirected to the Vana Vital download page.
  • Click on “Download Vana Vital Installer” and choose between a Quick Install or a Manual Install, which allows you to select the installation location.
  • Once you click on the exe file downloaded, a pop-up will appear asking for your permission. Select “Yes”.
  • Click on “Quick Install” and let the installation be completed.
  • Click the “Finish” button to complete the installation.
  • Finally, check the top left of the screen to ensure the Platform service is running.
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