First, select the Exercises icon from the left menu.
Navigate to the exercise library and scroll down to find your desired exercise.
Then, fill in the exercise settings:
Break time: adjust the time between the sets
Sets: adjust the number of repetition sets
Reps: adjust the number of repetitions
Form Strictness: select among the following form options based on your physical condition: 1. Freeform 2. Beginner 3. Intermediate 4.Advanced 5. Expert
A.I. Form Progression: Enable this option if you allow the A.I. to check on your progress and adjust the form strictness automatically. Disable this option if you want to adjust it manually.
A.I. Performance Progression: Enable this option if you allow the A.I. to check on your progress and adjust the numbers of sets and/or reps automatically. Disable this option if you want to adjust them manually.
Minimum interval: Define the periodicity of the A.I. check and evaluation of your progress.
Once you’ve configured the settings, simply launch the exercise.